About Us


Established as the volunteer force supporting the activities of Executive Council Charities, Executive Council 70 is a group of working professionals dedicated to helping our community’s youth through a series of fundraising events and initiatives. Originally formed in 1972, our 70 Active and 300 Life Members have been assisting youth organizations and have raised more than $12 million dollars in just the past five years.

Executive Council Charities is a 501(c)(3) Arizona nonprofit corporation dedicated to helping youth in our community. Our goal is to provide grants to programs and nonprofit organizations focused on helping youth in Arizona overcome adversity and reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Funds are raised through signature events like The Original Taste, Holiday Classic and Cantina along with direct contributions to our annual campaign – Support Arizona Youth. Executive Council Charities has supported more than 100 charities this past year, distributing more than $2.8 million. With the help of numerous partners and the support of the community, we are able to meet our charitable goals.

2024-2025 ECC Board

David Feiler, Chairman
Regan Amato
Matt Campbell
Dane Fernandes
Alex Kienle
Brent Mallonee
Kevin Miller
Cory Shepard
Dan Siddall
Jordan Simone


2023-2024 ECC Board

Cory Shepard, Chairman
Regan Amato
Ryan Campos
David Feiler
Dane Fernandes
Alex Kienle
John Kostis
Brent Mallonee
Kevin Miller
Casey Strunk


Alex Kienle, President

Matt Campbell, President Elect

Brady Maus, Vice President – Charity Partners

Dan Siddall, Vice President – Finance

Michael Fletcher, Vice President – Legal

Matt Campbell, Vice President – Membership

Hunter Fattaleh, Vice President – New Opportunities

Mike Knall, Secretary

Will Jay Lichtsinn, Treasurer

Grant Kingdon, Sales Chairman

Sean Frantz, Marketing Co-Chair

Kyle Jennings, Marketing Co-Chair

Austin Walter, Social Chairman

Michael Basham Jr, Original Taste Chairman

Charlie von Arentschildt, Support Arizona Youth Chairman

Justin Hodge, Cantina Chairman

Tyler Stamets, Holiday Classic Chairman

Chris Lubeck, Holiday Shopping Chairman

John Kostis, Kids on Course Chairman

Scott Aitken, Endowment Co-Chair

Peter Bauman, Endowment Co-Chair

John Richter, Life Member Liaison (Life)

Ryan Madrid, Life Member Liaison Assistant

Jordan Simone, EC70 Member at Large

Justin Hodge, Membership Assistant Chairman

Wade Hoyt, New Opportunities Assistant

Blake Curtis, Donor Relations

Andrew DeNapoli, Marketing Assistant

Rob Mougey, Social Assistant Chairman

David Brown, Original Taste Assistant Chairman

Kevin Sherrill, Original Taste Site Chairman

Jeff Porter, SAY Assistant Chairman

Danny O’Sullivan, Cantina Assistant Chairman

Luke Moffatt, Holiday Classic Assistant Chairman

Sean McGraw, Holiday Shopping Assistant Chairman

Daniel Kiernan, Kids on Course Assistant Chairman

James Robson, Endowment Assistant


Matt Davis
Executive Director

Lisa Burke
Office Manager


Scott Aitken
Ryan Ash
Chris Bade
Michael Basham, Jr
Peter Bauman
Nick Baxter
Josh Bowman
Ryan Boyle
David Brown
Jake Butterfield
Matt Campbell
Devontae Chapple
Sergio Chavez-Moreno
Nick Christifulli
David Cohen
Kevin Curley
Blake Curtis
Jack Czerwinski
Tommy Czerwinski
Andrew Denapoli
Matt Edwards
Nick Eggen
James (JB) Emert
Hunter Fattaleh
Brett Fitzpatrick
Michael Fletcher
Sean Frantz

Bryson Fricke
Jack Hale
Justin Hodge
Wade Hoyt
Stephen Huey
Kyle Jennings
Charles Jerkovich
Alex Kienle
Daniel Kiernan
Grant Kingdon
Michael Knall
Kory Kober
John Kostis
DJ Lantz
Peter Lenstrohm
Will Jay Lichtsinn
Chris Lubeck
Jim MacWilliam
Gavin Matheson
Brady Maus
Connor McClain
Sean McGraw
Garon McHone
Greg Miller
Luke Moffatt
Adam Morris
Rob Mougey

Bryan Mummaw
Spencer Nast
Danny O’Sullivan
Beau Pich
Madison Poole
Jeff Porter
Travis Reid
James Robson
Preston Royce
Edson Salas
Max Schuman
Zach Sebastian
Kevin Sherrill
Dan Siddall
Jordan Simone
Armand Slason
Randall Smalley
Tyler Stamets
Alex Stuchen
Tommy Tyma
Logan Vogel
Charlie von Arentschildt
Will Walker
Austin Walter
Collin Weisenburger
Jimmy Wentworth
Matt Westerhouse